Wednesday, February 21, 2007


I've been working on something for a few weeks now and I have come to a conclusion about my way of working. It's not good. Always waiting to do the code until I "feel like it", the graphics that need to be ready before I testdrive the project...

The best way to overcome all this, I've learned via :
1) Make yourself work, when you see progress, you'll feel much better.
2) Use Placeholders!

I've taken the time to look at those 2 tips and to actually do them.
So, I finished the shooting and moving code to near perfection (could always be a little better, but it's good enough for now). And I've used some squares with different textures to be the ennemy/myself/meteors/... (I guess I told a little bit too much about the game... But you'll have to wait for the details a bit longer ).

Having done this, I completed what I thought to be a multi-day annoying job, in just under 4 hours and I had fun doing it. This just goes to show that those tips from other indy dev's are very valueable!

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